Brussels, 12 Feb (LaPresse) – ‘The next multiannual budget will strengthen our Union's shared vision for the future. It translates our common priorities into tangible actions that make a difference for millions of citizens, businesses, regions and researchers. Therefore, we invite all Europeans to have their say through public consultations, the citizens' panel or the engagement platform. This is an invitation to shape a modern, ambitious and strengthened budget. Our challenges are also common goals: together, we are more powerful'. So says the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen. Today the European Commission published a communication on ‘The road ahead for the next Multiannual Financial Framework’, which outlines the main political and budgetary challenges that will shape the design of the next Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF). This lays the foundation for reflections on how to adapt the EU's long-term budget to changing needs and priorities. The Commission is also launching in parallel a Europe-wide campaign with a range of stakeholders, including Member State governments, regional entities and citizens.(more)

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