Brussels, Feb 12 (LaPresse) – "A bolder, simpler, faster Union." The European Commission "has adopted its work program for 2025, outlining its ambition to enhance competitiveness, improve security, and strengthen economic resilience within the EU."

A statement clarified that "the work program focuses on the key initiatives that the Commission will undertake in the first year of its mandate, addressing the issues that matter most to Europeans. It reflects the need for greater opportunities, innovation, and growth for our citizens and businesses, ultimately promoting a safer and more prosperous EU."

A communication on implementation and simplification accompanies the work program, defining how the Commission intends, over the next five years, to streamline the practical application of EU regulations, reduce administrative burdens, and simplify EU rules. It includes objectives and tools to help ease regulatory constraints, boost competitiveness and resilience, and bring about rapid and significant improvements for individuals and businesses.

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