Milan, Jan. 15 (LaPresse) – France will not extradite Rexhino Abazaj, the ‘Comrade Gino’ accused by Budapest of being an ‘accomplice’ of Ilaria Salis and others in the violence of the February 2023 anti-fascist counter-demonstrations in the Hungarian capital against the neo-Nazi ‘Day of Honour’ rallies, to Hungary for the time being. According to legal sources, the Court of Appeal in Paris asked the Hungarian authorities for clarifications during the hearing held today. These included specifying the conditions of detention in the event of the surrender of the man of Albanian origin, listing the concrete measures taken to guarantee the safety of the anti-fascist because of his political views, and to provide guarantees in terms of the independence of the Hungarian judiciary, the impartiality of the magistrates' courts and due process. Hungary was given a two-week deadline to respond to requests for clarification. This deadline will probably be extended and extended, as was the case in Italy in 2024 for the case of Gabriele Marchesi, the anti-fascist arrested in November 2023 at Budapest's request as a co-defendant of the AVS Europarliament and then not extradited. Abazaj was arrested in France in November on a European arrest warrant issued by Hungarian judges and is still held in prison.

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