Rome, March 25 (LaPresse) – The government is set to intervene to resolve possible issues with the calculation of the Irpef advance payments in the upcoming income tax declarations. Government sources emphasize that the intervention, which is expected to be worth 250 million euros, will come soon, "in time" for the declarations so that taxpayers are not penalized. The CGIL (General Confederation of Italian Workers) had raised concerns in recent days about the significant impact on Irpef advance payments and the municipal surtax advance, as it assumes, as the tax of the previous period, the one determined according to the Irpef brackets and rates (23%, 25%, 35%, and 43%) and the deduction for employee income in effect on December 31, 2023 (1,880 euros). These rates are no longer valid and are much higher than the current ones. This morning, Alberto Gusmeroli, president of the Chamber of Deputies' Industry Commission and tax spokesman for the Lega party, had anticipated that "the Government will intervene promptly to address the Irpef advance payment issue so that they are made based on the new three-rate system, eliminating the old four-rate advance calculation: no taxpayer will be penalized."