Cagliari, Feb 5 (LaPresse) – The case will go directly to the merits of the appeal at the hearing already scheduled for March 20. The judges of the Cagliari court (Gaetano Savona, with Bruno Malagodi and Francesco De Giorgi as associates) have not granted the precautionary suspension requested by the lawyers of Alessandra Todde (Benedetto and Stefano Ballero, Giuseppe Macciotta, and Priamo Siotto) against the ruling of the electoral board of the Cagliari Court of Appeal. On January 3, this ruling declared her ineligible as a regional councilor and, consequently, as president due to irregularities in election expenses. According to the president, who spoke last Monday in the regional council chamber, the Court of Appeal's ruling does not include the only two reasons that would justify disqualification.
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