Rome, 22 Jan (LaPresse) – ‘Energy costs are skyrocketing, not least because of the war. There are 10 billion increases on bills for businesses, and for families various increases of up to a thousand euros. And the government cuts on everything but continues to make record investments on what? On weapons. But at least these weapons are bringing us a solution in Ukraine?’. Thus the president of the 5 Star Movement, Giuseppe Conte, in a video posted on social media. ‘Meloni is denied by her own minister Crosetto,’ he says after showing two clips of the Prime Minister and the Defence Minister, ’and the truth is that we are not winning over Russia and we will not win over Russia with new billions for weapons. It is a failure that concerns us all and while Meloni is waiting for new instructions from Washington, we in the M5S are voting against the new decree to send weapons to the bitter end, which will never bring us peace, but will only bring us damage, even to our economy, to the pockets of Italians'.

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