Rome, Jan. 15 (LaPresse) – "There has never been any mention of a penal shield intended as immunity," and the provision "will be included in a separate measure, certainly not now in the Security bill under consideration in the Senate." Will it take the form of a decree? "We will determine the format," but "to amend the Code of Criminal Procedure, one must be very cautious." This was stated by Justice Minister Carlo Nordio as he left the Chamber of Deputies.

"The enhanced protections that concern all citizens stem from a dissonance between the institution of the notice of investigation and the register of suspects, which should serve to safeguard the defense of those under investigation but have instead become a stigma, a form of premature condemnation, and sometimes even a barrier to assuming public office," the Minister of Justice emphasized. He added, "In light of this failure of the institution of the notice of investigation and the register of suspects, we are studying a procedural reform that, far from granting impunity to those who commit crimes, balances the right to guarantees for those who might one day be investigated without being subjected to the negative media and judicial consequences of registration and the so-called notice of investigation, which is not necessarily linked to registration in the register."

"There are technical problems in the criminal process that have proven to be rife with critical issues, and this is where we are exploring, at various levels, the possibility of intervening coherently," Nordio concluded.

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