Climate, the expert speaks: ‘The fate of the glaciers is sealed, they will disappear’

Trento, 21 Mar. (LaPresse) – ‘The effects of climate change are very visible, particularly in low-altitude glaciers that are suffering much more than others. After 2022 we saw a worsening and a reversal of the trend is impossible. Today, with the situation we have, the mass balance is always negative or at best in equilibrium. The fate of the glaciers is sealed, we just need to work out when they will disappear’. So said Cristian Ferrari, long-time glaciologist and president of SAT, the Tridentine Alpine Society that, at 150 years old, is the oldest in Italy and collaborates with its technical commissions on the most important scientific studies on high ground, to LaPresse on the sidelines of the inauguration in Trento of the exhibition ‘Freeze the future’ organised on the occasion of the International Year of the Glacier. ‘Now we need to think about how to do without that large quantity of water from the glaciers,’ added Ferrari. ‘It is necessary to put in place virtuous strategies to save water: we will have to adapt to less availability.’