Trento, 20 Mar (LaPresse) – ‘To date, at least one third of the mass has been lost and with the increase in temperatures expected by 2050 all glacial bodies below 3,500 metres in altitude will have disappeared. Among those already extinct is the Flua glacier in Piedmont, while the Canin glacier in Friuli Venezia Giulia and the Triglav glacier in Slovenia in the Eastern Alps have been reduced to scattered remnants of snow and ice. The next ones destined to disappear are those of Marmolada and Adamello'. This is what emerges from the dossier ‘Sos glaciers: a past and a future to protect’ released today by Legambiente in support of the European Manifesto and in view of World Water Day dedicated to glaciers. ‘From 2000 to 2023, the greatest relative loss of ice occurred in regions with a small glacier area: Central Europe (-39%), Caucasus (-35%), New Zealand (-29%), Northern Asia (-23%), Western Canada and the United States (-23%) and glaciers in low latitudes (-20%),’ the report states.