Rome, 15 Mar. (LaPresse) – A 5.5% drop in road accidents, resulting in -20.4% victims and -8.8% injuries. This means 61 fewer deaths in three months. This is what emerges from the data of the Traffic Police and Carabinieri, shared by the Viminale with the MIT, which allows us to compare what happened in the first three months of the new highway code coming into force (14 December 2024 – 13 March 2025) with the same period a year ago. In particular, there were 226 fatal accidents (last year there were 274); 238 deaths (last year there were 299); 5,712 accidents with injuries (last year there were 6,227); 8,407 people injured (last year there were 9,222). So a note from the MIT.

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