Case Resinovich, husband of the victim: ‘As shocked as the first few days’

Milan, 10 Mar. (LaPresse) – This morning on Storie Italiane on Rai1, there was more talk with Eleonora Daniele about the murder of Liliana Resinovich, the woman found dead in a grove in January 2022. ‘I'm not feeling great, but I'm moving forward anyway, these are very hard, very difficult moments’, commented her husband Sebastiano Visintin after the super expert report delivered to the Prosecutor's Office in recent days by Dr Cattaneo. ‘I don't have the courage to see these things, my lawyers are examining it, we are trying to understand how things stand: if there is someone who hurt Liliana, it is right that he is found, he must pay for what he did. We leave the gossip in the right places, at the right times’. In the absence of names on the register of suspects, there are numerous aspects that have yet to be clarified, including the lack of telematic activity on Lilly's husband's phone on the day of the murder: ‘The phones were there, if I had turned off the phones, I don't know for what reason, and if I had to do something to my wife, I would have left them on and gone to do something’, he declared, ’But since they remained off or most likely were in my jacket and perhaps I was in the study which is a very internal room with walls half a metre thick at that time in that state and with that telephone, they probably didn't work, there could be a thousand things. I was told that the phones were switched off, why would I have switched them off?