Rome, 21 Feb (LaPresse) – The Ministry of the Interior will be civilly liable in the trial of the policemen accused in the case of Hasib Omerovic, the 36-year-old man who, on 25 July 2022, fell from the window of his home in Via Gerolamo Aleandro, during a search by some officers of the Primavalle police precinct. The three policemen are charged with the crimes of torture and forgery. The assistant chief of the State Police, Andrea Pellegrini, is accused of torture. This morning, the preliminary hearing was held before the Gup of the Court of Rome, where the Ministry of the Interior was cited as civilly liable. The State Attorney's Office asked for its exclusion, but the Gup rejected the request, naming the Ministry of the Interior only for the position of Pellegrini, accused of torture. The hearing was adjourned to 17 October 2025.

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