Rome, 20 Feb. (LaPresse) – The Undersecretary for Justice, Andrea Delmastro Delle Vedove, was sentenced to 8 months for charges of revealing secrets and a one-year ban from holding public office. The sentence was issued by the panel of judges of the eighth criminal section of the court of Rome, where the last hearing of the trial relating to the affair of Alfredo Cospito, the anarchist detained in prison under the 41-bis regime, took place. The undersecretary of Justice was sent to trial by the Rome Gup Maddalena Cipriani after the investigating judge Emanuela Attura had ordered the forced indictment. The Rome prosecutor's office had instead requested the dismissal of the proceedings, deeming the objective existence of the violation possible, but without proof of the subjective element, believing that Delmastro was aware of the existence of the secret. The public prosecutor, Paolo Ielo, in his indictment this morning had requested acquittal.

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