Milan, Feb 19 (LaPresse) – The pro-Russian hacker group NoName057(16) has claimed attacks on Italian sites for the third consecutive day. ‘We are crushing the Italian internet infrastructure,’ reads a post by the group on X, in which the hackers claim to have hit the sites of Mediobanca, Nexi and companies linked to the arms industry, namely Benelli Armi, Fiocchi Munizioni, Franchi and Danieli. On Monday, claiming cyber attacks on bank and transport sites, the group had explained that it was a consequence of the words of the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella who had come under criticism in recent days from Moscow. ‘Italian President Sergio Mattarella compared Russia to the Third Reich, provoking a harsh reaction from the Russian Foreign Ministry. Moscow has already promised that such statements will not go without consequences,’ the group had written on Monday, ’due to such comparisons by the Russophobe Mattarella, Italy is receiving DDoS missiles on its websites from us.’

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