Milan, 17 Feb (LaPresse) – Five years after the start of the Covid-19 emergency in Italy, 76% of hospital doctors believe that the National Health Service has worsened and 58% think that their work has undergone negative changes. These are the two most significant data emerging from a survey promoted by the Cimo-Fesmed Federation union (to which the Anpo, Ascoti, Cimo, Cimop and Fesmed unions belong), to which 2,168 doctors employed by the NHS responded, and which paints a portrait of hospital doctors, represented in the ‘Forgotten’ dossier. It is a gloomy portrait, which reveals increasingly tired and disillusioned doctors: while during the pandemic 77% of doctors believed that their profession would have improved at the end of the emergency, 74% thought that they would have had more career opportunities and even 83% imagined that they would have earned more, today only 15% of doctors judge their profession very positively, 8% their career and 2% their salary.

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