Salerno, aiding illegal immigration: 36 under investigation

Rome, Feb 3 (LaPresse) – Since the early hours of this morning, the Carabinieri for Labor Protection, together with the Guardia di Finanza of the Provincial Command of Salerno, under the mandate of the Salerno District Anti-Mafia Directorate, have been carrying out – in the provinces of Salerno, Naples, and Caserta – a precautionary measure of house arrest issued by the investigating judge of the Salerno court against 36 individuals. They are under investigation for conspiracy aimed at facilitating illegal immigration, corruption, falsification of public records, and self-laundering. At the same time, the authorities are executing, jointly between the Carabinieri and the Guardia di Finanza, a preventive seizure order for sums of money believed to be proceeds from illicit activities. The measure is linked to the fraudulent use of regulations governed by the Decreti Flussi and Decreti di Emersione, dating back to 2020.

Parallèlement, les autorités procèdent, toujours conjointement entre les Carabiniers et la Guardia di Finanza, à l’exécution d’un décret de saisie préventive de sommes d'argent considérées comme les produits d’activités illicites. Cette mesure est liée à l'utilisation frauduleuse des réglementations régies par les Décrets Flussi et Décrets d’Émergence, en vigueur depuis 2020.