Palermo, Jan. 30 (LaPresse) – There is still no word 'truth' after 35 years for the double murder of Officer Nino Agostino and his wife Ida Castelluccio, who were killed Aug. 5, 1989, in Villagrazia di Carini, in the province of Palermo, by a Mafia hitman. Or at least not the judicial one. The Court of Cassation has annulled with referral the conviction of boss Nino Madonia; a new appeal trial will now be held for the agent's murder. In the previous one, judges had upheld the life sentence imposed at first instance for the Resuttana mob boss. For the killing of the woman, on the other hand, the supreme court decided to annul without referral Madonia's conviction. For the Supreme Court, there was no premeditation in striking his wife, which triggered the statute of limitations. Madonia could therefore not be held accountable. The judges accepted the appeal by lawyers Vincenzo Giambruno, Alessandro Tato Martorana, and Valerio and Giorgio Vianello Accoretti.

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