Milan, 13 Mar. (LaPresse) – On his 65th birthday, Luciano Ligabue celebrates by meeting the press in Milan to mark 30 years of his most iconic album, ‘Buon compleanno Elvis’. The rocker from Correggio has announced the release of 7 commemorative records with which he wants to pay homage to the history of the album that made him famous and opened the doors of Italian stadiums to him. This summer, fans will be able to sing ‘Certe Notti’ again at two big live events: on 21st June Luciano Ligabue will be back on stage at the RCF Arena in Reggio Emilia, 20 years after his first concert at Campovolo, and then on 6th September the Royal Palace of Caserta will be the backdrop for the first big event in the south of Ligabue's career.